Trabalhos Aprovados 2019

Ficha do Proponente


    Wolfgang Fuhrmann (UZH)


    Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Doutor em Cinema pela Universidade de Utrecht, Hollanda. Investigador associado do Departamento de Cinema, Universidade de Zurique, Suíça. Especialista em cinema colonial alemão e autor de Imperial Projection: Screening the German Colonies (Berghahn 2015). Seu novo projeto de pesquisa investiga as relações cinematográficas entre o Brasil e a Alemanha.

Ficha do Trabalho


    Uma biografia cinéfila entre a televisão alemã e o Cinema Novo


    A palestra será realizada em portugues

    The conversation introduces the work and life of the German journalist, filmmaker, and author Klaus Manfred Eckstein. It investigates how Eckstein got involved in Cinema Novo productions in the sixties and seventies such as MACUNAÍMA (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, 1969), OS DEUSES E OS MORTOS (RUY GUERRA, 1970) or COMO ERA GOSTOSO O MEU FRANCÊS (Nelson Pereira dos Santos 1971).

Resumo expandido

    A palestra será realizada em portugues

    Two years ago a certain Kiu Eckstein published his autobiography “One life…two worlds: Biographical notes in times of change/Ein Leben … zwei Welten: Biographische Notizen in Zeiten des Wandels (2017)”. Kiu Eckstein is the German journalist, filmmaker, and author Klaus Manfred Eckstein also known in Brazil as K.M. Eckstein.
    For more than fifteen years Eckstein was living in Rio de Janeiro where he was the Latin America correspondent of the German second public television channel ZDF. During his time in Brazil Eckstein not only was working a television journalist, but he became a first-hand witness of the emerging Cinema Novo movement. Known as “O Eckstein” among Brazilian filmmakers, Eckstein was producer and associate producer for a number of Cinema Novo films, among others MACUNAÍMA (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, 1969), OS DEUSES E OS MORTOS (RUY GUERRA, 1970), MINHA NAMORADA (Armando Costa, Zelito Viana, 1970), COMO ERA GOSTOSO O MEU FRANCÊS (Nelson Pereira dos Santos 1971), QUANDO O CARNAVAL CHEGAR (CARLOS DIEGUES, 1972), A LENDA DE UBIRAJARA (André Luiz Oliveira, 1975), PERDIDA (Correia, Carlos Alberto Prates, 1976), MORTE E VIDA SEVERINA (Zelito Viana, 1977).
    Together with de Andrade Eckstein produced the documentary CINEMA NOVO/IMPROVISIERT UND ZIELBEWUSST (1967) that introduced for the very first time the Cinema Novo movement and its filmmakers to a German public. Eckstein’s interest and commitment to Cinema Novo also is visible in at least in one of his television reports that makes a visual reference to dos Santos VIDAS SECAS.
    The conversation introduces the work and life of Klaus Manfred Eckstein and investigates how a German journalist became involved in Cinema Novo productions in the sixties and seventies. It is based on Eckstein’s biography and on a two-day-interview with Klaus Manfred Eckstein made in 2016 in Starnberg near Munich, where he is living together with his Brazilian wife.


    -Peter von Zahn (1994), Reporter der Windrose : Erinnerungen 1951 – 1964. München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt DVA.
    -Jurandyr Noronha, (2015), Dicionário Jurandyr Noronha de cinema brasileiro: os que vieram de outras terras. Rio de Janeiro: EMC Edições, 2015.
    -Kiu Eckstein (2017), Ein Leben … zwei Welten: Biographische Notizen in Zeiten des Wandels. Hamburg: vo Wandels. Hamburg: Verlag tredition GmbH, 2017.
    -Wolfgang Fuhrmann (2018), Kiu Eckstein: Ein Leben … zwei Welten: Biographische Notizen in Zeiten des Wandels. Hamburg: vo Wandels. Hamburg: Verlag tredition GmbH, 2017. In: Filmblatt (63): 137-138.